Join us for a night of praise and fellowship as we enter into the Christmas season with our choir presenting “At Last Noel” Christmas Musical. You won’t want to miss it! Dessert fellowship immediately after!
Thanksgiving Day (Office Closed)
No Wednesday Activities
Back To Church Sunday
Join the Back to Church Sunday Movement and Encourage People to Come “Together”! The “Together” message encourages the never-churched “nones” and the “dechurched” people in your community to come together at church where they will find a gathering of people who are growing together spiritually, who are applying their faith to everyday challenges and who help and support one another, as well as the community at large.
Be sure to stay after for lunch! We will have hamburgers and hotdogs, a moon bounce/slide, and great fellowship!
Back To School Kickoff
Children and Youth!
Make sure you join us for a fun-filled night with Hamburgers and Hotdogs, Inflatables, Games, and so much more! Be sure to invite your friends too! We want to start this school year off with a bang, so let’s make this thing huge! This will be a combined children and youth event. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Will!
Vacation Bible School
Throw on your camera strap and buckle your seatbelt. VBS 2019 takes you on a wild adventure—with elephants and egrets, polar bears and penguins, cockatoos and crocodiles. As you seek out exotic animals, you’ll also find snapshots of real-life encounters with Jesus in Scripture. Kids go from bewildered to believing as they get In The Wild at this summer’s VBS.
Click On “Vacation Bible School” Below To Register:
June 10-14 | 8:30-12:00
Children’s Ministry Taco and Nacho Lunch Fundraiser
Taco and Nacho Lunch, NEXT Sunday, May 5th
We are “MUY entusiasmado“ to invite you to our Taco and Nacho Lunch immediately after service on May 5! Make sure you make plans to stay with us! If you can’t stay, to-go boxes are available! The cost is donations only! This is a fundraiser for Children’s Camp so we would love any donations you are willing to give.
Good Friday Service
Sherwood Serve Day
CR Biker Saturday
Attention All Bikers (And others who love Jesus)!
On March 30th, another 5th Sunday has come. That means another fabulous Biker Saturday 4 Jesus. BS4J. Come and have great food and fellowship at 5:00.
Praise and Worship Meeting at 6, with testimony by Lance Collins of Elkmont followed by safe, gender specific small groups.