Community Egg Hunt

Join us as we have a great time of fellowship watching our kids hunt for eggs!  Kids in the 6th grade or below are welcome to participate!




5th Sunday Praise & Fellowship

On March 31, we will be having our “5th Sunday Praise and Fellowship”.  There will be a 5:00 finger-food meal before the worship hour!  It’s going to be a great night of fellowship, worship, and food!


Prayer Conference (Madison Baptist Association)

Join us as our Interim/Transitional Pastor, Dr. Edwin Jenkins, leads us in a prayer conference here at Sherwood.  The Madison Baptist Association will be hosting this event, and it’s definitely something you don’t want to miss!


Youth – Shakalaka Night

Youth (7-12th grade)
Join us for a time of fellowship, pizza, and Shakalaka during spring break! Everyone will meet at the Church for pizza and we will ride the bus to Shakalaka. All you need to bring is $5 and a permission slip!

Youth Shakalaka and Pizza Night!

Youth (7-12th grade)
Join us for a time of fellowship, pizza, and Shakalaka during spring break! Everyone will meet at the Church for pizza and we will ride the bus to Shakalaka. All you need to bring is $5 and a permission slip!