Our men gather each Friday at 11:30am for lunch and fellowship. The location varies from week-to-week and is announced via email.
Men’s Bible Study
Kid’s Praise
Calling kids 1st through 6th grade wanting to perform, join us Sunday evening at 5:30 to be a part of our Kid’s Praise group. We will be working on a musical, songs and skits. Lets have fun and share God on the stage.!
Blended Worship
Sunday School/Bible Study
Experience the fellowship of a small group of caring people who minister to one another and seek answers to life issues from the truths of God’s Word. Life-changing Bible Study for all age groups meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m and 11:00am. There’s a group just for you!
Click HERE for more info and a list of groups.
Youth Christmas Party
Join us for LOTS of party food and activities. Invite a friend to come with you!