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December 3, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
3 Years – 6th Grades
TeamKID Club is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and grow in a relationship with Him. Every part of TeamKID — Bible stories, Scripture memory, life application, missions, and recreation — all connect to teach life lessons to kids. TeamKID is designed so children learn Biblical principles and develop skills that will help them make wise decisions in life.
Please consider allowing your child the opportunity to participate in TeamKID Club at Sherwood Baptist! You will be amazed at the fun your child will have while studying the Bible, learning to apply Biblical truths and memorizing Scripture. TeamKID can make an eternal difference in the life of your child.
TeamKID Club meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM during the school year.
* Nursery is offered for Preschoolers not in a club.